Optimizing Detoxification
If we are going to start anywhere with true healing, we might as well start with our cells, they do make up all living matter after all! This is where detox and metabolic efficiency is determined. The health of the cell will be the rate limiting factor in the body’s ability to heal, grow and thrive. Health begins and ends with the cell.
Cells are responsible for many functions including facilitating growth through replication or mitosis, providing structure and support, allowing the transport of nutrients into and out of the cell, and, most critically, producing energy and metabolic reactions.
The cell’s mitochondria, if you remember from biology 101, are the centers for ENERGY. The mitochondria produce energy as ATP by oxidative phosphorylation through breaking down carbohydrate substrates. The food you eat gets digested and absorbed into the blood as glucose supplying energy to your cells. Later, this glucose is broken down to release energy.
Oxidative stress is one of the main drivers of poor cellular function. Oxidative stress can come from our diets, lifestyles, environment and even state of mind. Oxidative stress is a state of imbalance between the amount of oxidation or free radicals and antioxidants. This creates a cascade of inflammation and instability to surrounding tissue and eventually whole systems of the body.
By reducing our exposure to oxidative damage, providing the right nutrients for the cell, and removing any toxic burden, we can restore our health at the most functional cellular level.